a Copy of Valid Passport (at the time of visa application, it should have more than 6 months to expire), A copy of latest academic qualifications such as School Diploma, University degrees, or last two years of school marks (for young students that have not finished high school), Language qualifications, Bank statement (of whoever that pays the fees) to prove that you can afford the course fees plus maintenance. Parents permission for Juniors, CV for Postgraduate courses, Personal statement (Letter of Motivation), For courses that needs short visa: a Copy of Valid Passport (at the time of visa application, it should have more than 6 months to expire), Bank statements (of the person that pays the fees) to prove that you can afford the course plus maintenance for online courses, depending on the course: you might need some academic qualifications Plus language qualifications, Online interview, It is also applicant responsibility to possess computer devices and good internet to have access to the course.
Each school, institute, or university has its own policy regarding scholarship rewards. We always can enquire schools about your eligibility for scholarship.
It depends on each school policy. It is sometimes possible to pay in 2 or 3 payments. You should note that some schools may give you discount if you pay the tuitions in full.
You would be charged some admin charges depending on the stage of the process that you have changed your mind.
The institutes might not issue an educational place if you do not meet their requirements. In that case we would plan alternative options, or we would refund you accordingly based on our refund policy.
It depends on the type of rejection.

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